Ruang Kantor
ID: CF-IDP0001131Ruang KantorjualAdhyaksa Land - Jual
Jalan Adhyaksa Raya Jakarta Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Jakarta
Harga Sesuai Permintaan
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Informasi Gedung
The land in Adhyaksa is strategically located in the TB Simatupang area, a newly developed area dominantly comprises upper residential housing, upper condominiums, office towers, hotels, malls and private hospitals. TB Simatupang is popularly known to be the CBD of South Jakarta.
The land has a good accessibility from Jalan RA Kartini, Toll Road and the nearby MRT station of Lebak Bulus. Its proximity to the station enables the land to be part of Jakarta’s TOD development, a special zone that is designed to support the MRT ecosystem and therefore may obtain development incentives.