Ruang Kantor
ID: IDN-P-0018LYRuang KantorGedung Wirausaha
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-5
Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan
Rp 200.000 per sqm
- Luas:86 - 183 sqm
- Informasi Gedung
- Informasi Tambahan
- Lokasi
Informasi Gedung
Gedung Wirausaha, previously known as Gedung Perkantoran Sinar Sahabat, is office building available for lease located on Jalan Rasuna Said, South Jakarta. Gedung Wirausaha designed by Airmas Asri and completed at the end of year 1990. Gedung Wirausaha has fresh design but is very sterile with a layer of alucobond and curtain wall. Structurally, the Frankipile foundation and the structure of reinforced concrete layers are supported by two shear wall cores. Gedung Wirausaha has 8th storey building with floor area is around 11,000 sqm.
Gedung Wirausaha is extremelly well located on Jalan Rasuna Said. Jalan Rasuna Said in Kuningan area, South Jakarta is a well-established commercial district, which is also proximity to Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio that can connect to Mega Kuningan area and Jalan Jenderal Sudirman. Gedung Wirausaha n is also close to Rasuna Epicentrum complex: a superblock owned by Bakrie Group comprises shopping mall, office towers and residential towers. Karet Kuningan TransJakarta bus stop is located nearby of Gedung Wirausaha that brings convenience of public transportation accessibility. The closest stop of future LRT will be at Stasiun Rasuna.