Ruang Kantor
ID: IDN-P-0018RRRuang KantorParc 18 - Tower B
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
SCBD, Jakarta Selatan
Rp 300.000 - Rp 350.000 per sqm
- Luas:229 - 657 sqm
- Informasi Gedung
- Informasi Tambahan
- Lokasi
Informasi Gedung
18 PARC Place Tower B is a office building available for lease located in SCBD Sudirman area on Jalan Sudirman, South Jakarta. 18 PARC Place Tower has 5 11-floor office buildings, each building is approximately 5,000-m2. The buildings has restaurants and financial institutions as its facility.
18 PARC Place Tower B located in the heart of Jakarta's CBD, SCBD Sudirman and from there Pacific Place Mall, Senopati area, and other retails area are within walking distance. With the SCBD shuttle bus, 18 PARC Place Tower B is connected to MRT Jakarta & Trans Jakarta. 18 PARC 18 Tower B also has many route options to evade odd – even traffic regulation in Jakarta.