Ruang Kantor
ID: IDN-P-0018ONRuang KantorPlaza Sentral
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 47
Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan
Rp 155.000 - Rp 310.000 per sqm
- Luas:11 - 1.092 sqm
- Informasi Gedung
- Informasi Tambahan
- Lokasi
Informasi Gedung
Plaza Sentral is a lease-only Grade C office building located on Jalan Sudirman, South Jakarta. Completed in 1984, Plaza Sentral consists of around 22,000 sqm of leasable area with a typical floor plate of around 1,050 sqm. Plaza Sentral also offers a number of F&B options and is located within close proximity to other commercial and residential developments given its location at the southern end of Jakarta’s CBD.
Plaza Sentral is located on the main road of Jalan Sudirman, to the north of the Semanggi interchange and the closest MRT Jakarta and Transjakarta station is Bendungan Hilir; which is approx. 3 minutes walking distance. Plaza Sentral building is also accessible by private car, taxi or ride hailing app as well as public buses. Plaza Sentral is also located within 5 minutes walk of two hospitals (Siloam Hospital and Rumah Sakit Jakarta), approx. 7 minutes walking to a shopping mall (Plaza Semanggi), 8 minutes walk to a hotel (Aryadutta Semanggi) and 5 minutes drive to the toll road. This means that access to Soekarno Hatta International Airport and other locations around the greater metropolitan area is relatively convenient.